Unser Verein



Der Vorstand 


Created with Sketch.

Urs Röthlisberger 

Mail: [email protected]
Tel. 079 312 15 38

Vize Präsident / 1. Schützenmeister 

Created with Sketch.

Alfred Hofer

Mail: [email protected] 
Tel. 079 848 32 13 


Created with Sketch.

Fabienne Gerber

Mail: [email protected]
Tel. 079 581 42 16

FS/OP Sekretär

Created with Sketch.

Fabian Neuenschwander

Mail: [email protected]
Tel. 079 626 27 86

Kassier / Mat. Verw.

Created with Sketch.

Alfred Wisler

Mail: [email protected] 
Tel. 079 224 68 13

Stv. Kassier / Schützenmeister

Created with Sketch.

Peter Sommer 

Mail: [email protected] 
Tel. 079 613 23 32


Created with Sketch.

Tobias Neuenschwander

Mail: [email protected]
Tel. 079 266 31 93


Created with Sketch.

Christof Wittwer

Mail: [email protected] 

Tel. 079 236 23 43

Schützenmeister / Auktar

Created with Sketch.

Hansueli Neuenschwander

Mail: [email protected] 

Tel. 079 650 31 70